The Irish Pagan School Podcast
Authentic Connection to Ireland. Regular episodes from native presenters and teachers - Lora O'Brien and Jon O'Sullivan - on Irish History, Heritage, Mythology, Folklore, the Tuatha Dé Danann, Fairy Faith, Irish or Celtic Paganism... direct from the Irish Pagan School HQ in County Waterford, Ireland.
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✨ 5 Day Morrigan Challenge - https://www.morrigan.academy/challenge
At the Irish Pagan School we offer Online Classes on Irish Paganism, Mythology, History, Heritage, Culture, Magic and Spirituality, taught by native Irish Educators, based in County Waterford, Ireland.
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Have a question about Irish or Celtic Paganism?
Please Search Our Resources!
✨ The Irish Pagan School Blog - https://irishpagan.school/
✨ The Irish Pagan School YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@IrishPaganSchool
✨ The Irish Pagan School Podcast - https://irishpaganschoolpodcast.buzzsprout.com/
✨ The Ogham Academy - https://ogham.academy
✨ The Morrigan Academy - https://morrigan.academy
Enroll in our online learning environment at the Irish Pagan School for full info on classes, courses and longer programmes - at https://IrishPaganSchool.com
Fan Mail
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I am only writing this message to say a huge thank you! I have listened (and re listened) to every episode of the podcast, bought several courses (saving up for more...most specifically the Mórrígan intensive) and Lora, Jon and The IPS have been a pivitol part of my study and creating the relationship I now have with my practice and faith. The whole package os an invaluable resource so thank you so much Carrie-Anne
I appreciate the most recent episode - I listened to the whole thing without really knowing the backstory outside of what Lora explained as I've been offline lately. I just want to say as an American who has benefitted much from both free and paid content you've put out there - screw the internet trolls who unfortunately have nothing better to do but slander your name. You're doing such amazing work and it's a shame you have to spend your valuable time explaining what any decent human should be able to gather easily from listening to you speak for 5 minutes. Thanks for everything you do!
I saw the link on the podcast to text y’all. Hello! 😊 Love your work. Thanks for making such a great online presence. It’s the best quality pagan source I’ve seen maybe ever.