The Irish Pagan School Podcast
Authentic Connection to Ireland. Regular episodes from native presenters and teachers - Lora O'Brien and Jon O'Sullivan - on Irish History, Heritage, Mythology, Folklore, the Tuatha Dé Danann, Fairy Faith, Irish or Celtic Paganism... direct from the Irish Pagan School HQ in County Waterford, Ireland.
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✨ Irish Pagan Resources Checklist available NOW - https://irishpagan.school/checklist/
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✨ FREE Online Classes - https://irishpaganschool.com/courses/category/free
✨ 5 Day Morrigan Challenge - https://www.morrigan.academy/challenge
At the Irish Pagan School we offer Online Classes on Irish Paganism, Mythology, History, Heritage, Culture, Magic and Spirituality, taught by native Irish Educators, based in County Waterford, Ireland.
💥 JOIN THE MAILING LIST HERE -- https://irishpaganschool.ck.page/yt
💥 Support this work on Patreon - http://www.Patreon.com/IrishPaganSchool
Have a question about Irish or Celtic Paganism?
Please Search Our Resources!
✨ The Irish Pagan School Blog - https://irishpagan.school/
✨ The Irish Pagan School YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@IrishPaganSchool
✨ The Irish Pagan School Podcast - https://irishpaganschoolpodcast.buzzsprout.com/
✨ The Ogham Academy - https://ogham.academy
✨ The Morrigan Academy - https://morrigan.academy
Enroll in our online learning environment at the Irish Pagan School for full info on classes, courses and longer programmes - at https://IrishPaganSchool.com
The Irish Pagan School Podcast
How did Witch Hunts in Ireland Differ? With Dr. Gillian Kenny
Question: Witch hunting in Ireland presents a complex narrative. Could you contrast how Ireland's witch hunts differed from those elsewhere in Europe?💥Gillian's Classes Are Here - https://irishpaganschool.com/courses/author/459240
Explore the unique narrative of witch hunting in Ireland and how it contrasted with the witch hunts across Europe. What did Native Irish Witchcraft actually look like, and how did it affect our lives?
In this video, Dr. Gillian Kenny delves into the lesser-known aspects of Irish witch trials, offering insights and teasers from her comprehensive course at the Irish Pagan School. Discover the socio-cultural nuances that set Ireland's witch hunts apart and the historical implications of these differences. A must-watch for those interested in Irish history, Irish Witchcraft, European witchcraft trials, and folklore studies.
✨ FREE STUFF FOR A YEAR! - https://irishpagan.school/free
✨ Irish Pagan Resources Checklist available NOW - https://irishpagan.school/checklist/
✨ FREE Online Classes - https://irishpaganschool.com/courses/category/free
✨ 5 Day Morrigan Challenge - https://www.morrigan.academy/challenge
At the Irish Pagan School we offer Online Classes on Irish Paganism, Mythology, History, Heritage, Culture, Magic and Spirituality, taught by native Irish Educators, based in County Waterford, Ireland.
💥 JOIN THE MAILING LIST HERE -- https://irishpaganschool.ck.page/yt
💥 Support this work on Patreon - http://www.Patreon.com/IrishPaganSchool
Have a question about Irish or Celtic Paganism?
Please Search Our Resources!
✨ The Irish Pagan School Blog - https://irishpagan.school/
✨ The Irish Pagan School YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@IrishPaganSchool
✨ The Irish Pagan School Podcast - https://irishpaganschoolpodcast.buzzsprout.com/
✨ The Ogham Academy - https://ogham.academy
Enroll in our online learning environment at the Irish Pagan School for full info on classes, courses and longer programmes - at https://IrishPaganSchool.com
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Fáilte! Welcome to the Podcast, with your hosts - authors and co-founders of the Irish Pagan School) - Lora O'Brien and Jon O'Sullivan.
If you enjoyed this podcast, please leave us a positive review in your podcast listener, then head over to IrishPaganSchool.com and enroll in one of our free or paid courses. Slán go fóill, and we will see you next time!